Monday, April 16, 2012

English 10 Honors--4/17/2012

Jump Off
--Take out your vocabulary book and open to page 84.  Look through the word list and star any words that you think you know already.
S. the C. -- agenda/rationale/HW

Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #7
--go over word list and whimsical words
--complete Synonyms/Antonym--when finished, if others are still working, work on some of the other exercises
--go over Syn./Ant.
--for HW, familiarize yourself with the whimsical words and begin preparing for the quiz (on Monday of next week)

Transition -- vocabulary books away, character posters out, form a circle

Review Activity -- Character Web
--put posters in groups on the floor in the middle of the desk circle based on obvious relationships (e.g., Edmond Dantes with Louis Dantes)--adhere to floor with masking tape
--describe goal of the activity (make connections between characters, discuss character motive [where applicable], practice using the text for support, and discuss plot, theme, etc. [where appropriate])
--partner work time--brainstorm potential connections, and find pages in text in order to share direct quotations as support (Post-It pages)
--draw a card--one partner makes a connection with text support while the other strings the web--MR. MARTIN WILL ALWAYS STAY ONE CARD AHEAD, AS THE NEXT PARTNERSHIP'S CONNECTION IS CONTINGENT UPON WHERE THE YARN ENDS UP 
--move in this manner until we complete the circle--is this even possible?!?!

--Take a picture, and then clean up the [meaningful] mess!
--Pick up the piece of literary criticism from the front table.

Close Reading Activity -- “Death, Resurrection, and Fall in Dumas’ Comte de Monte-Cristo
--discussion based on the following questions: What is close reading? AND What is literary criticism?
--engage in independent close reading of the piece of literary criticism--we will discuss this in the future!

--bring vocabulary book next class--quiz will take place on Monday of next week
--the assessment for The Count of Monte Cristo is on the horizon--begin preparing--how?!
--finish close reading of literary criticism