Sunday, April 1, 2012

Senior English--4/2/2012

Block 1

Jump Off -- Please see Mr. Martin at the front table.  He will hand you a small piece of paper on which you will find a significant passage from Act III of The Tragedy of Hamlet.

S. the C. -- agenda/rationale/HW, directions for viewing the film

Film -- Act III of Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet
--continue mindfully viewing the film until the end of Act III as preparation for discussion:
*take notes/develop questions
*respond to study guides questions/prompts
*work with significant passage--consider what is being said (explicate), the context in which the passage exists, and why the passage is significant
*evaluate how the film version interprets Shakespeare's source text
Transition -- finalize discussion preparation, form a circle

Discussion -- The Tragedy of Hamlet Act III
--student-generated topics (Post-Its, notes, study guides, etc.), significant passages, evaluation of Branagh's film, etc.
Mr. Martin will be assessing discussion via the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"

Closure -- Key Learning (if time)

--bring your Hooked on Books book next time!

Block 2


Transition/S. the C.
--Please see Mr. Martin at the front table.  He will hand you a small piece of paper on which you will find a significant passage from Act III of The Tragedy of Hamlet.
--agenda/rationale/HW, directions for viewing the film
Film -- Act III of Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet
--continue mindfully viewing the film until the end of Act III as preparation for discussion:
*take notes/develop questions
*respond to study guides questions/prompts
*work with significant passage--consider what is being said (explicate), the context in which the passage exists, and why the passage is significant
*evaluate how the film version interprets Shakespeare's source text

Closure -- Jot down a question and/or comment for discussion next class.

--bring your Hooked on Books book next time!