Wednesday, February 5, 2020

English 10--2/6/2020 & 2/10/2020 (2/7 WAS A SNOW DAY)

Jump Off
--Please pick up an index card from the front table.
--Obtain your Chromebook from the cart in the back of the classroom and log in.  You can use your Chromebook during the first half of today's class to... 
  • continue/finish conducting preliminary research
  • re-access/re-read sources
  • plan your 60-second speech.
--Please take out any notes that you took last class block.  Today, some of you will take the podium and share your "working knowledge" of your topic with the class for 60 seconds.  "Anchored in" to our "Compact for Work Time" (which we will review momentarily), use the first half of today's class block to finish developing a "working knowledge," look through your notes, and think about what you will share.  Feel free to capture key points on your index card or in a Google Doc.

S. the C.
--share the protocol for today's public speaking activity:
  • card drawn
  • final 30 seconds given (if desired) to prepare
  • podium approached when name called
  • speech delivered and timed (five-second countdown given)
    • "60-Second Club--Entrance Criteria" slide shared
  • 60-Second Club officially joined (or not :'( )
--review our "Compact for Work Time"

Research -- Developing a "Working Knowledge"--Source #2 (and Source #3 and ...?!)
--finish conducting preliminary research in order to develop a "working knowledge" of your topic
  • Jot down notes on the back of your "Selecting a Potential Topic and Developing a 'Working Knowledge'" sheet and/or in your notebook
    • Tip: Keep track of your source(s) so that you can easily re-access any that might end up being used in your final research paper!
  • Jot down any additional curious questions that come to you on the front of your sheet
--If you finish before time is called, either complete a Membean training session or engage in free reading.

Activity -- 60-Second Club: Sharing "Working Knowledge" (flex time)
--Mr. Martin MODELS--tips shared (B, M, E; anecdotes; personal connections)
--five more minutes for planning
--pair/share (Mr. Martin times)
--speeches delivered via volunteers and/or a drawing of cards
--FYIAny student who does not speak today will do so next week! :)

Before You Leave
--return and plug in Chromebooks

HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment/Class Preparation)
--Complete Membean training until you have earned 100 correct responses or trained for a total of 45 minutes over three different days before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 2/6.  (See the most recent "English Department Membean Routine" sheet.)
--Complete another cycle of Membean training until you have earned 100 correct responses or trained for a total of 45 minutes over three different days before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 2/13.  (See the most recent "English Department Membean Routine" sheet.)
Writing/Class Preparation
--Next week, we will talk some more about what makes a topic "arguable" before heading over to the library to continue conducting research.  Continue thinking about the following question:
  • Research Unit: What might you ARGUE with regard to your research topic?
--Don't forget about this question, too:
  • End-of-Course Assignment: What is your "why?"?
HW (Class Preparation)
--Try to read 5-10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!

Image result for meme about reading"

--Consider working toward achievement of your S.M.A.R.T. Goal.  Do something great this calendar year!
--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em! :)