Sunday, September 16, 2012

Senior English--9/19/2012

Jump Off
--Pick up the assignment sheet from the front table and turn in your finalized, typed 100 Goals List by placing the list in the black basket.

S. the C.
--read assignment sheet together—clarify purpose—consider “plan of attack” while reading

Mini-Lesson – Crafting an E-mail
--share information from slides—develop ideas for assignment together
--set a goal for work time in Computer Center

Transition – head down to the Computer Center

Writing Workshop – Bright Futures
--independent work time

--Purposefully read up to page 123 by the beginning of next class—revisit the blog post named “Suggestion for Purposeful Reading” and try out one of the options you haven’t used yet (e.g., “Favorite lines, sections, etc.”)—remember that your purposeful reading notes drive our discussions!
--Your “Bright Futures” e-mail is due to Mr. Martin by the end of the day on Saturday, September 29th.
--Yankee Candles—sell, sell, sell!!!