Tuesday, April 23, 2019

English 9--4/23/2019 (BDF) & 4/24/2019 (ACE)

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--Please take out your copy of the "Article of the Week/ThinkCERCA #2--2018-2019 School Year" (Daniel J. Siegel's "Dopamine and Teenage Logic") document with which we have been working.

S. the C.
--Reminder: Beginning with the end in mind--our ultimate purpose when completing a first-draft "reading" and closely re-reading sections of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet:

ROUGH End-of-Unit Assessment Writing Prompt:
Write a multi-paragraph essay in which you argue the extent to which both Romeo and Juliet are impulsive by analyzing their behaviors during similar circumstances.  Then, answer the "so what" question: So what?!  Who cares?!  Why does this matter?!

--You have hit the "targets" for today's lesson if you...
  • are further along in your completion of the AoW written response than you were when you entered the classroom (hopefully even almost finished with it?!)
  • can do the following with both Act 4 and Act 5 of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet:
    • summarize the acts, noting key plot points (e.g., Friar Lawrence giving Juliet a sleeping potion, Friar Lawrence's plan, Romeo's request of the apothecary, etc.)
    • note similarities and differences between Romeo's level of impulsiveness and Juliet's level of impulsiveness (characterization)
    • give at least two examples of purposeful irony (situational, verbal, and/or dramatic) employed by Shakespeare
    • provide an effective theme statement for the play
Active/Purposeful Reading and Writing Workshop (cont.) -- Daniel J. Siegel's "Dopamine and Teenage Logic"
--ReminderThinkCERCA instructions for submitting paragraphs
  • Notes:
    • Skip "Step 1" as we have already engaged with the text at length. (Also, the directions do not match your purposes!)
    • Skip "Step 2" as well since you have already completed an outline on paper via the "A Paragraph's a Paragraph's a Paragraph! (CER)" document.
    • Using your outline, type a paragraph in response to the two questions posed.  Strongly consider typing your paragraph in Google Docs before logging in to ThinkCERCA. 
    • Include your paragraph response in the field titled "Write a formal argument" after logging in to ThinkCERCA.  (Please keep in mind, though, that the paragraph you crafted is not really an argument!).  Submit your paragraph by clicking the "SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT" button.
--quiet and independent outlining time/writing time--obtain your Chromebook when ready--until 1:30 PM (Block 4 BDF)
  • If you finish before time is up, complete a Membean training session!
--If you would like a copy of the viewing/reading guides for the last two acts of Shakespeare's play in order to help you hit today's "targets", please pick up the document from the front table.

Purposeful "Reading" -- Act 4 and Act 5 of Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet
--"materials assessment"--read Act 4 and Act 5 viewing/reading guide prompts/questions aloud so that students using the document know what to "look for" while viewing
--purposefully view both acts of the film (1:47:20-credits)--gather information for discussion/assessment preparation by jotting down notes and /or responding to viewing/reading guide prompts/questions

--engage in a whole-class share-out in response to this question:
  • What were you able to "get" out of your first-draft "reading" today?
HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment)
--Complete 45 minutes of Membean training in three different days before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 4/25 (see the "English Department Membean Routine" sheet).
HW (Take-Home Assessment)
--Your AoW paragraph is due submitted via ThinkCERCA at the end of the day TODAY (Tuesday, 4/23 [BDF] or Wednesday, 4/24 [ACE]).
HW (Class Preparation)
--Consider reviewing your work with the play from today's class block with the "targets" in mind.
            --Read at least 10 pages of your (dystopian?) free reading book between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!  These final two marking periods, I will randomly check for books and include your level of preparation in my reporting via Schooltool.
            --As always, whatever we do not finish in class today, you can expect to finish next class!
            --I recommend you check Schooltool soon.  I am in the process of inputting several grades.