Monday, October 2, 2017

English 9--10/4/2017 & 10/5/2017

Jump Off (1-2 mins.)
--Take out your vocabulary book and open to page 17.
--Pick up the following items from the front table:
  • a BINGO board
  • a highlighter
Additional directions about the BINGO boards are forthcoming.

S. the C. (5-8 mins.)
--You should leave class today...
  • with much deeper knowledge and understanding of many of the Unit #1 vocabulary words
  • with a sense of which words to further study in preparation for the Unit #1 vocabulary quiz next class.

Instruction/Review -- Vocabulary Unit #1 (45-60 mins.)
--2 BDF: go over Unit #1 word list (page 14)--read the part of speech/definition/sample sentence--repeat this process for the entire list
--3 BDF: go over Unit #1 word list (page 14)--read word aloud, have students repeat the word, and then read the part of speech/definition/sample sentence--repeat this process for the entire list

In order to actively engage, a student should...
  • write the words on the lines for each of the sentences
  • put a star next to each of the words that he or she is confident about knowing already
  • put a question mark next to each of the words that are "foreign" to him or her (and, therefore, will definitely need to be studied).
--go over the correct responses to the 50/50 exercise three-in-a-row style

            • How did you do?
            • What words have you yet to master?
            • How might you go about preparing for the assessment?

            --Why BINGO?!
            --directions given for how to fill in BINGO boards (unit word + "helper" word)--SEE FRONT BOARD
            --directions given for writing five sentences on the back of your BINGO board (you may NOT just use the sentences from the book)--SEE FRONT BOARD/TALK ABOUT PLACEMENT
            --fill in BINGO boards/write sentences quietly and independently--open your vocabulary book to page 14
            --share "how to win" boards--SEE FRONT BOARD
            --share information about “board validation” (at podium, share words, basic definitions, and a sample sentence)
            --play 3-5 games (depending on time)--+1 bonus to winners
            --Finish preparing for the Unit #1 vocabulary quiz, which will take place at the beginning of NEXT class (Tuesday, 10/10 [ACE] or Wednesday, 10/11 [BDF]).

            DEAR -- Free Reading Books (remainder of class [time permitting])
            --students without books will read Upfront newsmagazine

            HW (Class Preparation)
            --Finish preparing for the Unit #1 vocabulary quiz, which will take place at the beginning of NEXT class (Tuesday, 10/10 [ACE] or Wednesday, 10/11 [BDF])(What study strategies have brought you success in the past?)  You might want to consider completing the rest of the exercises in the vocabulary book, and you might also want to consider using your BINGO board from today's review session as a tool for studying. 

            Assessment Format--Multiple Choice

            • Part of Speech
            • Synonym
            • Antonym
            • Definition
            • Completing the Sentence
            --Read your free reading book for at least 10 minutes between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.  You have up until early-December to finish your book.

            --Enjoy the long weekend--you really only get so many of 'em! :)