Friday, September 29, 2017

English 10 Honors--10/2/2017 & 10/3/2017

Jump Off (10-15 mins.)
--Write your first and last name on the back of your picture for the south wall of our classroom.  Then, place the picture in the black basket on the front table.
--While up at the table, please pick up the following items:
  • "Short Story/Poetry 'Unit' Information Sheet--2017-2018"
  • Perrine's Story and Structure
  • the "Perrine's Story and Structure--'Reading the Story' (pgs. 3-9)" document
  • the "Short Story Writing Assignment #1" document
Back at your desk, read through the italicized directions on the "Perrine's Story and Structure--'Reading the Story' (pgs. 3-9)" document and engage in purposeful reading as preparation for a follow-up discussion later in class (distinguishing between two types of fiction and analyzing literature that we've read through this lens), completing part of the chart on the document.
--Please SEE ME before leaving class today:
  • Austin H.
  • Ash M.
  • Storme S.
Transition (3 mins.)
--form an alphabetical-by-college-you-hope-to-attend circle out of the desks--you, of course, can talk when forming this circle!
S. the C. (5-8 mins.)

Unit Introduction/Looking Ahead/Discussion -- The Short Story/Poetry "Unit" (25-30 mins.)
--oral gist reading of the "Short Story/Poetry 'Unit' Information Sheet--2016-2017" document--any questions that I can answer?
  • Q & A
--oral gist reading of "Short Story #1 Writing Assignment" sheet--any questions that I can answer?
  • Q & A
--discussion protocol/"Discussion Contribution Rating Scale" shared
--finish preparing for discussion (if necessary)
--engage in discussion/notetaking about the reading titled "Reading the Story":
  • distinguish between commercial and literary fiction
  • begin to answer these questions: What is a short story? and How does purposefully reading a short story enhance our understanding of the human experience? 
  • analyze works that we've read in the past--commercial or literary fiction?
Transition (5-8 mins.)
--re-column the desks
--note-taking (Short Story as a Literary Form, Allegory as a Literary Term, and Romanticism as a Literary Movement)--date the page in your notebook (10/2/2017 [ACE] or 10/3/2017 [BDF])

Looking Ahead--Unit Work #1 -- “The Masque of the Red Death” (remainder of class?)
--take a thoughtful look at pictures via slides (with Poe, expect allegory and symbolism--what might each "thing" pictured represent within the story?)

Teambuilding Activity -- Artifact Bags (time permitting)
--I hand a paper bag to a random student--he/she then displays items from the bag one at a time, briefly describing what he/she is seeing
--guess who?!
--owner of bag further describes, explains, shares anecdotes, etc. as a form of introduction to teacher/peers

HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment)
--Complete a total of 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 10/5.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #2, you will not be permitted to take the quiz (see the "Membean Routine" document).
--Begin thinking about your short story.  The final draft of the assignment will be due before you know it!
--Read your free reading book for at least 15 minutes between now and next class. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.

On the backburner:
  • first AoW
  • first Grammar Hammer