Saturday, September 9, 2017

English 9--9/14/2017 & 9/15/2017

In the Door (1 min.)
--please sit in your assigned seat

Jump Off (1-2 mins.)
--concept of the Jump Off explained again as a reminder

  • If, for some reason, I do not yet have your "Artifact Bag," write your first and last name on a Post-it Note, stick the Post-it to your bag, and place your bag in the appropriately labeled box located at the front of the classroom.
  • If, for some reason, I do not yet have your "Letter to Mr. Martin" assignment, place it in the black basket on the front table
  • Pick up the "Free Reading Course Component--Overview Document" from the front table, which we will purposefully read together as soon as attendance has been inputted.
  • I would like to touch base with the following during our library time today:
    • Brandon B.
    • Lana B.
    • Blake B.
    • Abigail C.
    • Keeley K.
    • Rebecca L.
    • Dakota S.

--HW policy reminder

S. the C. (8-10 mins.)
--consequences posters pointed out--our classroom is bound by these posters from now until the end of the school year!
--purposeful oral reading of "Free Reading Course Component--Overview Document"


HW (Class Preparation)
--If you signed out a book from the library today or if you have a book at home that you are reading or would like to begin reading for our free reading course component, bring the book to class next time (and daily between now and when you finish the book or the end of Marking Period 2, whichever comes first).  Otherwise, make time to sign a book out either from our classroom library or the high school library.  I will be checking your books in the near future!

--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em! :)