Thursday, January 16, 2014

English 10 Honors--1/21/2014

Jump Off
--If you used your HW Coupon last class, submit your short story and the self-assessment sheet.  Staple the two items together and place your work in the black basket on the front table.
--Pick up a copy of the "Common Error: Unnecessary Shift in Pronoun" document from the front table.  Purposefully read through the first page and mindfully complete PRACTICE 6.  When you finish, put your head down on your desk.

Grammar Hammer Instruction -- Common Error: Unnecessary Shift in Pronoun
*Mr. Martin returns "Unnecessary Shift in Tense Assessment"*
--volunteers write PRACTICE 6 "answers" on SmartBoard/go over
--purposefully read through the second and third page and mindfully complete PRACTICE
--volunteers write PRACTICE 7 "answers" on SmartBoard/go over
--quiz about unnecessary shifts in pronoun (number and person consistency) will occur next class, and mastery of our last two errors will help your performance on the English 10 Honors Midterm Examination.

S. the C.
--Mr. Martin shares list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio--Would anyone like to schedule a meeting for a time slot during Mr. Martin's office hours (posted up on the front board)?
--The due date for submission is Friday, February 14th <3 (approximately 3.5 weeks from today).

Block 2
--Pick up a copy of the "Short Story Unit--Learning Standards (Reading Literature)" from the front table.
--Take out your copy of the reading passage and multiple choice questions (a segment of the Critical Reading Section of the SAT) from last class.  Finish purposefully reading the passage and completing the multiple choice questions to the best of your ability.  Then, attempt to determine which of the Reading Literature standards each of the questions most closely assesses.
Block 4
--Pick up a copy of both the reading passage and multiple choice questions (a segment of the Critical Reading Section of the SAT) and the "Short Story Unit--Learning Standards (Reading Literature)" sheet from the front table.  Purposefully (How do you define your purpose in this circumstance?) read the passage and complete the multiple choice questions to the best of your ability.  Then, if time permits, attempt to determine which of the Reading Literature standards each of the questions most closely assesses.

Looking Ahead -- English 10 Honors Midterm Examination 2014 (Critical Reading of Literature) 
--go through SAT "exam" question-by-question (projected on SmartBoard)--discuss purposeful reading, logic, and levels of correctness and link each question to the standards
--FYI: A section of your midterm examination will be very similar to this portion of the SAT!
  • Set a SMART Goal for preparing for the midterm--What might a SMART Goal pertaining to this directive look like?
--Pick up a copy of the Naturalism notes, the "Short Story Analysis Sheet", and "The Open Boat" from the front table.
*Mr. Martin returns "Unifying Theme Statement Practice--'Social Class'"*

HW Time -- “The Open Boat” Initial Reading
--look at an exemplar for the homework due two classes ago and reflect upon your own work
--discuss--improve your work!?
--purposefully read “The Open Boat” (use “Short Story Analysis Sheet”)--align your annotations with the Reading Literature standards based on our work earlier in class

--A quiz about unnecessary shifts in pronoun (number and person consistency) will occur next class, and mastery of our last two errors will help your performance on the English 10 Honors Midterm Examination.
--The due date for submitting a revised Intertextuality Unit--Culminating Essay Assignment for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is Friday, February 14th <3 (approximately 3.5 weeks from today)--YOU MUST schedule a meeting with Mr. Martin to go over your revisions; simply handing in the revisions is unacceptable as per the protocol. When time permits, meetings can/will occur during class time.
--The English 10 Honors Midterm Examination will take place on Monday, January 27th from 8:45 to 10:15. In order to continue preparing, go through the two ACT passages that we have done together and work with "Grammar Hammer Extras" materials (SEE MR. MARTIN).  Also, you might want to consider looking online for SAT prep materials!
--Finish purposefully reading “The Open Boat” prior to the beginning of next class.  Make sure to focus in on theme:
  • What are some themes that emerge in "The Open Boat"?
  • When and how do these themes emerge?
  • What literary techniques does Crane use to develop some of the emergent themes, and how does he use effectively these techniques?
  • What does Crane want readers to think about these themes/what insights into the human experience is he presenting (theme statement vs. mere theme)?
  • How often do we really stop to think about the ideas about the human experience conveyed to us in literature, from story-to-story, etc.? 
Be prepared for an assessment similar to your last homework assignment and/or a discussion about the reading next class.