--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!). See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability.
--If you have yet to deliver your impromptu speech, pick up an index card or take out a sheet of paper for planning purposes.
S. the C.
--Mr. Martin shares list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio--due date is December 13th (9 days from today)
--Reminder: Any essay that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be given back to Mr. Martin for submission today.
Activity --Helmet O' Destiny/60-Second Club
--remind of protocol/project 60-Second Club entrance requirements and remind of tips
--draw cards
Closure -- What is your unit goal? (Jot down on an index card for submission.)
Closure -- What is your unit goal? (Jot down on an index card for submission.)
Writing Workshop -- Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay (Cumulative Writing Portfolio Assignment #2)
--engage in mini-lesson about direct quotations, paraphrasing, and summarizing from the point at which each class left off two blocks ago (SEE POWERPOINT)
--Be working on revisions of the College Admission/Job Interview/Military Essay for your Cumulative Writing Portfolio--the due date is December 13th (9 days from today).
--Be working on revisions of the College Admission/Job Interview/Military Essay for your Cumulative Writing Portfolio--the due date is December 13th (9 days from today).
--You may want to begin/continue finding details from Tuesdays with Morrie for use within your essay--SEE MR. MARTIN IF YOU NEED TO RE-SIGNOUT A BOOK. Another suggestion for progressing through the assignment would be to paraphrase useful information from one, two, or all three of your sources. Additionally, creating an outline would be beneficial (the blog post entitled "Tuesdays with Morrie Analysis Essay Ideas might help you with this task).
--We will continue impromptu public speaking next class if not everyone has finished by the end of today's class.