Thursday, December 20, 2012

English 9--12/21/2012


Jump Off
--Spend a few minutes studying for the forthcoming Unit #5 vocabulary quiz quietly and independently. Mr. Martin will be around momentarily with the quiz.
--Complete the vocabulary quiz quietly and independently.  Good luck!

S. the C.
--trade and grade--quizzes returned/self-reflection--graded quizzes collected

Discussion Preparation -- Think/Pair ("The Lady or the Tiger?" Analysis/Application Questions)
--Take out your "'The Lady or the Tiger?' Analysis/Application Questions" sheet.  Purposefully look back through your responses.  Your purpose: 1.) Put an asterisk next to one of the questions/prompts that "tripped you up"; 2.) Circle one of your responses that you are confident about sharing with the whole group; and 3.) Add more information to one of your responses that you know could be stronger. 
--Pair up and share your reflections with each other.

Transition -- form a circle

Discussion -- Share ("The Lady or the Tiger?" Analysis/Application Questions)
--review the discussion protocol/"Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"
--engage in discussion until the end of class

Optional assignments:
--Review literature terms, especially those with which you are currently struggling, as you will be expected to know/apply these terms throughout the rest of the unit and on the 7 Habits Unit Exam.
--Purposefully read sections of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens in order to "beef up" your notes page.
Mandatory assignment:

--Enjoy break--Sharpen the Saw!!!