Wednesday, December 12, 2012

English 10 Honors--12/13/2012

Jump Off
--Take out the homework packet.  We will go over PRACTICE 4 together prior to today’s assessment.

S. the C.
--go over HW

Assessment -- Missing comma(s) with a nonrestrictive element
--carefully complete the assessment

--When you finish, submit your assessment.  Pick up a copy of Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor, and begin purposefully reading the chapter “Marked for Greatness” (page 193).

Transition -- form a circle

Discussion -- LotF Chapters 1 & 2
--determine, on average, how far everyone got in the reading--a few students summarize/paraphrase Foster’s argument
--finish the reading together from determined point
--engage in discussion--boy oh boy, do we have a lot to talk about (including, but certainly not limited to, the following topics: symbols, an interconnectedness of everything, names as significant, dark/light imagery, good or bad island?, conflicts, human nature)!

HW Time
--begin purposefully reading Chapters 3 and 4

--Finish purposefully reading Chapters 3 and 4 of Lord of the Flies as preparation for analysis/discussion next class.
--Bring your vocabulary book to class on Monday.
--Enjoy the weekend!