Monday, November 23, 2015

English 10 Honors--11/30/2015

Jump Off (5-8 mins.)
--Open your vocabulary book to page 52. Look through the list of words and put a mark next to all of the words that you are pretty confident about knowing already.  Also, make sure that you familiarize yourself with the "Whimsical Words."

S. the C. (8-10 mins.)
--The following student must see me before leaving class today:
  • Morgan H.
--pronounce each of the Unit #4 vocabulary words (pages 52-54) and the five "Whimsical Words"
--reflect upon your performance on the Unit #3 vocabulary quiz

Transition (2 mins.)
--When you finish the last task described above, turn in your Unit #3 vocabulary quiz to me at the front of the classroom.

Old Business/Looking Ahead -- Unifying Theme Statement Practice (20 mins.)
--information about Walt Whitman and intertextuality shared via PowerPoint slides
--a sample theme statement for Crane's work shared (from a few classes back)
--a logical approach, but "bad reading", for developing a unifying theme statement modeled--brief discussion
--Transition--partnerships/groups shared via a drawing of cards
--share unifying theme statements, evidence, and explanations from past homework assignment and create a meaningful and complex unifying theme statement upon which all of your group members can agree
--share out--Expect me to ask follow-up questions and challenge your ideas! :)

Transition -- pick up sheet of lined paper from the front table (1 min.)

Discussion Preparation -- "The Wight of the Black Rocks" or "Love and Loss" (25 mins.)
--Reminder: Here is the "Reading Literature Like a Champ!" framework:

English 10 Honors students read literature for the following purposes and annotate accordingly:
  • comprehending basic plot
  • determining emergent themes and developing viable theme statements
  • considering character motive/character development and the impact of character on plot and theme
  • studying diction (both determining word meanings using context clues and determining meaning and tone established via diction)
  • analyzing structure and drawing conclusions about potential authorial purpose
  • noticing literary devices, techniques, etc. in action and drawing conclusions about potential authorial purpose
When reading literature for the above purposes, English 10 Honors students constantly bear in mind and attend to the following: 
  • How do I know?
  • So what?!
  • "Back up" everything!
--directions/modeling--developing a short answer "quiz question"
--independent work time--developing a short answer "quiz question"
  • When finished developing your question, wad up your paper into a ball.
--HIT ME!!!
--questions distributed via some random tossing
--independent work time--responding to assigned short answer "quiz question"

Transition (2 mins.)
--Form a ROYGBIV circle based on the predominant color of top-half clothing out of the desks.

Discussion/Closure -- "The Wight of the Black Rocks" or "Love and Loss" (remainder of class)
--engage in discussion via a modified version of the protocol (one contribution minimum/three contributions maximum today--third contributions cannot be shared until all have contributed once :)--contributions assessed via the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"

HW (Class Preparation)
--Carefully complete the Choosing the Right Word ("50/50") vocabulary exercise (pages 55 and 56).  As you do so, underline the specific context clues within each sentence that help you arrive at your selections.  Expect me to check your work next class (Wednesday, 12/2).  Also, familiarize yourself with the "Whimsical Words."  The Unit #4 vocabulary quiz will take place on Friday, 12/4.  REMEMBER THAT WORDS FROM PREVIOUS UNITS ARE "FAIR GAME" ON ANY VOCABULARY QUIZ THEREAFTER (EXCLUDING PAST "WHIMSICAL WORDS")!
--Finish reading your free reading book by the beginning of next class (Wednesday, 12/2).
  • One-pagers are due at the end of class next time (Wednesday, 12/2) for those students who have yet to complete one. We will use some class time next time to complete one-pagers. Students who have already submitted a one-pager will engage in free reading during this time. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.