--Pick up the Unit #5 vocabulary quiz from the front table. Complete the quiz quietly and independently. Good luck!
--When you finish, place your quiz on the floor next to your desk. Then, work quietly and independently on anything that you need to finish from last class (End-of-Mini-Unit Assessment and/or one-pager).
--Of the options below, which would you most like to watch during the second half of the class block?
- Shrek (1990s cartoon)
- The Karate Kid (1980s movie)
- Planet Earth (2000s documentary)
Brain Break
*I will be meeting with as many of you as possible to go over revisions during class today.*
--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em!
--If you are taking any midterms next week, I wish you the best of luck!
--If you are taking any midterms next week, I wish you the best of luck!