--If you have not already done so, submit your "Dragonsong Unit--Chapter 4 Close Reading Paragraph Writing Assignment" typed in proper MLA Format by placing the piece in the black basket on the front table.
--Pick up a copy of the reading from the front table (an encyclopedia entry titled "A History of Sound Recording"). Write your name at the top. Then, begin surveying the text by making a prediction based on the title of the entry. Write your prediction next to the title. Next, using the title of the entry and the four bolded section titles, craft three or more questions to answer in order to engage in purposeful reading of the text. Write your questions next to the titles from which the derive. Finally, purposefully read "A History of Sound Recording," answering each of your questions in writing next underneath where you have written the questions themselves.
S. the C.
--go over the Jump Off (review of nonfiction comprehension/annotation skills)
--take care of business--you should know the drill by now, but if not, check out the information below/pay attention to Mr. Martin's model:
- right on the reading itself, do your best to define each of the bolded words using prior knowledge and context clues, annotating the text accordingly via underlining, drawing arrows, writing notes, etc.
Skill-Building/Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #8
--students engage in purposeful reading as per directions
--Mr. Martin elicits a potential definition from a student for the words "assurance" through "liability" and writes the potential meanings on the front board--how did you arrive at your definition?--STUDENTS REASON/ENGAGE WITH THE TEXT AT THE SMARTBOARD
--go over the Unit #8 word list (pages 100-102)--read word aloud, have students repeat the word, and then read the part(s) of speech/definition(s)/sample sentence(s)--repeat this process for the entire list
In order to actively engage, students should be:
a.) writing the words on the line for each sentence
b.) comparing actual definitions to "guesses" made using prior knowledge/context clues--how did you do?!
c.) putting a star next to "foreign" words (those that will definitely need to be studied).
--For HW, complete the "Completing the Sentence" exercise as directed and continue preparing for the Unit #8 vocabulary quiz, which will take place this Friday, 4/11.
Review Activity/Discussion/Notetaking -- Majority Rules! (Dragonsong Chapters 1-7)
--directions/modeling (true/false question posed, select answer, "reveal", majority rules!--one point)
--for each false response, in order from 1-3, teams have the opportunity to explain why the statement is false and how the segment of the novel is significant to the novel as a whole (so what?!)--one point
--during the playing of the game, take notes--much will come out of today's review/discussion that will come in handy when coming up with an idea for and writing your final essay at the close of the unit
Transition -- pick up an index card and write your name at the top of it
Closure -- During today's review activity/discussion, I drew the following conclusion about Anne McCaffrey's purpose:
--respond in detail to this prompt on your index card--when finished, submit
HW Time
Dragonsong Reading Breakdown
a.) writing the words on the line for each sentence
b.) comparing actual definitions to "guesses" made using prior knowledge/context clues--how did you do?!
c.) putting a star next to "foreign" words (those that will definitely need to be studied).
--For HW, complete the "Completing the Sentence" exercise as directed and continue preparing for the Unit #8 vocabulary quiz, which will take place this Friday, 4/11.
Review Activity/Discussion/Notetaking -- Majority Rules! (Dragonsong Chapters 1-7)
--directions/modeling (true/false question posed, select answer, "reveal", majority rules!--one point)
--for each false response, in order from 1-3, teams have the opportunity to explain why the statement is false and how the segment of the novel is significant to the novel as a whole (so what?!)--one point
--during the playing of the game, take notes--much will come out of today's review/discussion that will come in handy when coming up with an idea for and writing your final essay at the close of the unit
Transition -- pick up an index card and write your name at the top of it
Closure -- During today's review activity/discussion, I drew the following conclusion about Anne McCaffrey's purpose:
--respond in detail to this prompt on your index card--when finished, submit
HW Time
Dragonsong Reading Breakdown
- You must finish reading the novel by our first class day back from April break, which is Tuesday, 4/22. 83 pages remain, which is 10 pages less than we have read up to this point.
- Including today, if you read 5 1/2 pages a day, you will finish the novel on time.
- Reading requirements will be assigned this week (as in tonight's assignment of actively reading Chapter 8) in order to help you stay on track. Completing your reading homework this week will leave you with 56 pages to read over break (approximately 6 pages a day).
- If you would prefer to finish the novel by the end of the day this Friday so that you do not have any reading obligations over April Break (this is the plan Mr. Martin will be following--he would prefer to read something else over break!), if you read 17 pages a day including today, you will have the novel finished after reading 17 final pages on Friday.
- Hooked on Books is this week, and you are free to read Dragonsong during your reading blocks. However, the true purpose of Hooked on Books is to read something that you have chosen!
--Complete the "Completing the Sentence" vocabulary exercise (pages 105 & 106). Underline the context clues that help you determine which word you select for each sentence (skill-building). BRING YOUR VOCABULARY BOOK AGAIN NEXT CLASS.
--Continue preparing for the Unit #8 vocabulary quiz, which will take place this Friday, 4/11.
--Actively read Chapter 8 of Dragonsong via the Post-it Note Strategy.
--Actively read Chapter 8 of Dragonsong via the Post-it Note Strategy.
--Bring something good that you want to read to class the rest of the week for Hooked on Books (unless you prefer to read Dragonsong).
--Bring something good that you want to read to class the rest of the week for Hooked on Books (unless you prefer to read Dragonsong).