Thursday, October 31, 2013

English 9--11/5/2013

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--Take your Cumulative Writing Portfolio from Mr. Martin at the front table.  Read through the notes written on the front of the folder while Mr. Martin takes attendance.

S. the C.
--Today, we will work on:
  • writing an argument to support a claim in an analysis of a substantive text, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.  This includes: 
    • introducing precise claim(s) and creating an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), reasons, and evidence.
    • developing claim(s) fairly, supplying evidence in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns.
    • using words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons and between reasons and evidence.
    • establishing and maintaining a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which we are writing. 
    • providing a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. 
  • producing clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
  • developing and strengthening writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.
  • demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing.
  • demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
  • using accurately words sufficient for writing expression. 
--though all of the standards listed above seem like a lot, Mr. Martin thinks that he has found a way to make it all manageable: M, D, O, L, and C (more on this later!)
--at the end of class, you will practice:
  • demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and punctuation when writing, specifically using a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses. TODAY'S TICKET-OUT-THE-DOOR WILL RE-ASSESS THIS STANDARD. DID THE HOMEWORK THAT WAS DUE A FEW CLASSES AGO HELP YOU IMPROVE WITH REGARD TO THIS STANDARD?
--information provided about the Cumulative Writing Portfolio:

The purposes of creating a Cumulative Writing Portfolio are many. First, a Cumulative Writing Portfolio emphasizes that writing is a process. Instead of viewing writing assignments as mere “assignment completion,” students are meant to see that good writing takes time. Additionally, with the implementation of a portfolio, teachers are able to reach each student individually via conferencing. Finally, with the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, it is clear that the skills gained through writing must be secure for each student prior to graduating from high school. The following criteria have been implemented this year within Mr. Martin’s English 9 classroom:
  • Only certain writing pieces from the school year will be included within the Cumulative Writing Portfolio. The first of these assignments is the ___ ("The Lady or the Tiger?") paragraph. Mr. Martin will typically let students know which pieces are “Cumulative Writing Portfolio writing pieces” prior to beginning the writing process.
  • In order to be accepted for inclusion within the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, a writing piece must receive a score of 80% or higher, a score indicative of mastery. When a student receives a score of 80%, the student can simply submit the writing piece to the portfolio--he or she has already demonstrated mastery throughout the writing process for that particular assignment.
  • Any Cumulative Writing Portfolio writing piece that does not meet the mastery score must be revised and resubmitted. Prior to resubmission, a student must highlight all changes that have been made (either electronically before printing out or by hand after printing), then resubmit both the original piece and the updated version.
  • When resubmitting revised work, a student must make an appointment with Mr. Martin so that he or she can process the revisions with Mr. Martin. In fact, it is strongly suggested that a student also schedule an appointment prior to revising his or her work so that both student and Mr. Martin can process the original writing piece together as well. If you schedule a pre-revision meeting with Mr. Martin, come with specific questions so that the meeting can be as productive as possible.
  • Once a portfolio assignment is resubmitted in this manner, Mr. Martin will re-score the assignment to determine an updated score for the writing piece. This score will be used to calculate the overall score for the portfolio. Please be aware that the original score for the assignment "is what it is" within the Writing category of the quarter average.
  • As soon as a portfolio assignment is handed back, a student can and should begin the revision process. Upon receipt of the evaluated writing piece, the student will have one month to revise in order to achieve mastery. This is not to say that additional opportunities for further revision of assignments will not occur later in the school year, but Mr. Martin will strictly adhere to these one month deadlines.
  • A student who fails to meet the final due date for mastery will be assigned central detention in order to create a time period in which he or she can obtain that mastery. Central detentions will continually be assigned, if necessary.
  • The Cumulative Writing Portfolio will be scored at the end of the school year and will account for a substantial portion of a student’s grade. (For example, if a student has four assignments within the Cumulative Writing Portfolio with scores of 86%, 98%, 90%, and 85%, this substantial writing grade would be an 89.75%.)
--explain purpose behind the "Writing Skills Assessment"--though this assignment is in the CWP, it was not scored

Writing Workshop -- "The Lady or the Tiger?" Well-Developed Paragraph Response
--discuss Meaning, Development, Organization, Language Use, and Conventions framework via brief explanations on PowerPoint--based on these descriptions and feedback provided on "Writing Skills Assessment Rubric", what is truly needed to help you succeed in these areas (and, therefore, write well)?--create a list on the front board next to each of the categories--YOUR PARAGRAPH WILL BE SCORED VIA THIS FRAMEWORK
--Mr. Martin works through a similar writing task as that being assigned, but for a different question--YOU MIGHT WANT TO TAKE NOTES! :)--logical steps for success on this type of task:
  1. Come up with a basic answer to the question based on numerous readings and discussion.
  2. Add to this basic answer by asking why--why have I arrived at this particular answer?
  3. Engage in purposeful re-reading of the text and any notes taken--find the evidence that will make the reader believe that your answer (your CLAIM...your ARGUMENT) is "right".  (Keep in mind that, by nature, your reader might be disagreeable. :))
  4. Organize your evidence--what will I use/how will I use it?  Add focus words to your basic answer as necessary.
  5. Plug all of your "pieces" into the basic paragraph structure.
  6. Write your paragraph, bearing in mind M, D, O, L, and C.
  7. RE-READ and re-write (if time permits).
--independent work time--Mr. Martin will meet with students about feedback on the "Writing Skills Assessment" and questions about the current assignment as per random order established on the front board

Transition -- re-submit your Cumulative Writing Portfolio folder, pick up an index card, and write your name at the top of your index card

Closure -- The Semicolon
--via PowerPoint, Mr. Martin shares two models of semicolon use from a few classes ago and labels S (subject)/V (verb) combos--what does the semicolon do again?!
--Directions: Look through what you have written during today's class block.  Then, choose two sentences to combine via a semicolon (if you have not already used a semicolon somewhere within your writing--if you have, simply write this sentence on your index card!).  Then, label your S/V combos. Feel free to look at any materials you have for assistance.

--A formal assessment of grammar skills will take place at the beginning of next class. Make sure that you can recognize and fix a comma splice via a variety of methods, paying particularly close attention to the proper use of a semicolon (and, perhaps, a conjunctive adverb).
--The final version of your "The Lady or the Tiger?" Well-Developed Paragraph Response is due at the end of next  class.  Though you will have class time on Thursday (WHICH IS A HALF-DAY!) to finish your writing piece, if you finish the piece prior to class, you can use the class time to RE-READ, revise, and re-write.  Budgeting your time is essential!
--Bring any work that you have to complete for other classes, as you may have some "study hall" time on Thursday depending on how your time is used.