Sunday, March 3, 2013

Senior English--3/6/2013

Jump Off
**Mr. Martin returns "Milne Library Ticket-Out-the-Door" assignment**

--Pick up a BINGO board and a highlighter from the front table. Fill in the board with the Unit #7 words using your writing utensil (not the highlighter).
**Mr. Martin will call up students one at a time to continue checking the homework due on 2/28 (evidence of purposeful reading for a total of six sources)**

S. the C.
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is March 27th (three weeks from today).
--Reminder: Any writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be kept in your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.
--the following direct quotations from our classroom expectations/procedures document are worthy of our review with 15 weeks remaining in the school year:
  • "YOU are responsible for getting and making up work if absent":
    • "Each day, I post class agendas online at the following web address:  I expect you to habitually visit this blog—doing so will improve your performance in the class and keep you caught up in the case of absences."
    • "For each class day that you are absent, you will have two days (not class days) counting the day you return to school to complete and submit missed assignments, unless you have made special arrangements with me. Please check the 'Absent? Look here!' bin and the agendas online—both will contain materials and information from the week. Failure to complete such assignments within the two day window will result in a '0'.
    • "Long-term assignments (essays, presentations, projects, etc.) will be graded ten (10) points (or 10%) lower per day late, not per class day late."
    • "If you miss a test or quiz for any reason, it is your responsibility to make an appointment with me to make up the work using the 'MISSED TEST OR QUIZ APPOINTMENT FORM'. When you make an appointment, I will confirm the appointment by scheduling you on my calendar, and I will also give you a reminder note. Like any other appointment, if you miss it, you miss your opportunity—in this case, you forfeit the right of make up. You have five days (not class days) from the day that you return from being absent to make up a missed test or quiz."
    • "Homework is to be completed and turned in on time (more often than not, at the BEGINNING of class), or you will take a '0'...The purpose of homework is to practice what we’ve done or prepare for what we will do that day. It negates the purpose if you are doing it after we’ve gone over it. Make sure that your homework is entirely completed, as partial completion=incomplete and will also result in a '0'...As always, if you have trouble on an assignment, you should let me know before class (preferably long before class!) so that I can assist you in any way possible."
  • "I have little tolerance for students who are not in class and ready to work on time.  In order to emphasize arriving to class on time, I reserve the right to lock the classroom door on any given day after the bell rings.  If you are locked out of the classroom without a pass, you must wait quietly in the hallway until there is a 'break in the action' during which I can let you in.  Due to the inconvenience you have caused me and your classmates, I will write a referral for central detention.  The main bullet point here is as follows: GET TO CLASS ON TIME!"
  • "If you appear to be sleeping or are definitely sleeping in class, you are missing important instructional time.  Therefore, I will write a referral for central detention, an after-school time during which you will make up for the time lost.  I will only warn you once."
  • "Cheating is absolutely unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  You will receive a '0' should you get caught cheating and/or plagiarizing.  If at any point it is unclear to you what defines cheating and plagiarizing, we will have a class discussion until we come to an understanding.  You should know by now, however!"
  • "If you need anything at all, please feel free to talk with me at any time.  If you experience any difficulties in this class, please make arrangements to meet with me after class, before class, or during my free blocks.  I am here to help you and will do everything that I can to help you be successful, and that’s a promise!"

--some data at five weeks: Six students have an average between 0-9%, two students have an average between 10-19%, two students have an average between 20-29%, one student has an average between 30-39%, one student has an average between 40-49%, and two students have an average between 50-59%--the Counseling Center, Mrs. Bennett, and home have all been notified--I encourage you to reflectively check your five week average and see me if necessary  
--reminder given for how to fill in BINGO boards (unit word + "helper" word)--Mr. Martin models
--directions given for writing five sentences on the back of your BINGO board (you may NOT just use the sentences from the book)--Mr. Martin models

Review -- Vocabulary Unit #7 BINGO
--independent work time--writing five sentences
--"how to win" reminder
--information about "board validation" (at podium, share words, basic definitions, and a sample sentence)
--play 3-5 games (depending on time)--+1 bonus to winners
--For HW, finish preparing for the Unit #7 assessment, which will take place next class.

--Pick up the "Skills Review Jump Off" from the front table.  Back at your desk, read the directions.  Mr. Martin will be around in a few with the sample essay so that you can complete the task as directed.

Instruction #1 -- Research Skills/Pre-assessment Self-Reflection
--go over answers (mark those you got wrong, BUT FIX!)--direct instruction as necessary--DID NOT FINISH FROM HERE DOWN IN BLOCK 1--PICK BACK UP GOING OVER ANSWERS WITH #2
--Transition--row-by-row, pick up pre-assessment ScanTrons from Mr. Martin
--compare today's work to pre-assessment--Did you do better?  What do you still need to master?

Transition -- pick up the "Creating an Effective Thesis Statement" sheet from the front table

Instruction #2 -- Creating an Effective Thesis Statement
--define our purpose--Why are we reading through this sheet together?  At the the end of class today, I can...
--oral reading (rationale explained) as per defined purpose
--independent work time (**Mr. Martin will continue calling up students one at a time to check the homework due on 2/28 [evidence of purposeful reading for a total of six sources]**)
--share out--get some sample thesis statements on the board and improve (if necessary)

Closure -- What Next
--Mr. Martin shares suggestions collected last class
--via discussion, establish due dates/rough agendas for our next few weeks together

--If you need to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!). See the list of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's availability. The due date for submission is March 27th (three weeks from today).
--Finish preparing for the Unit #7 assessment, which will take place next class.
--Continue progressing through the Arguing for a Position Research Paper assignment as per  our discussion at the end of class today.