Wednesday, September 28, 2011

English 10 Honors--9/30/2011

Jump Off -- pick up vocabulary quiz--complete quietly and independently
*When finished, pick up an index card from the front table.  On the card, brainstorm a list of "things you've learned" so far this year in English 10 Honors.

S. the C. -- agenda/HW, share reflections (explain rationale), trade and grade #1-20

Transition -- quiz in/review sheet up/sheet and highlighter up

Activity -- Hemingway Code (Hero)/Author Background
--complete front of sheet
--complete back of sheet (listening)

Transition -- form a circle

Brain Break/Teambuilder -- Unique Peer Essays
--read aloud--3-6 essays

Discussion -- TOMatS up to the end
--review discussion protocol
--engage in discussion as per protocol:
*Quick-writes from three blocks ago
*The basics (characters, setting, conflict, etc.)
*Christological figure
*Hero as a literary term
*Hemingway's writing style
*Connections to The Contender
*Hemingway Code (Hero)
*Hemingway's style

--prepare for The Old Man and the Sea Novella Exam (next class)