Friday, September 9, 2011

English 10 Honors--9/14/2011

Jump Off
--pick up an index card from the front table
--on the index card, write down a sample test question/prompt for The Contender Novel Exam that is about to take place (e.g., "Name an example of external conflict from the novel".).  We will then use these questions to engage in some last-minute review.

S. the C. -- agenda/HW, go over a few potential exam questions from the Jump Off

Assessment -- The Contender Novel Exam
--please clear your desks of all but a blue or black pen
--go over the directions
--take the exam
--after completing the exam, turn it in and pick up the writing assignment sheet from the front table
--read assignment sheet/"study hall" until all students are finished with the exam

Teambuilder/Research/Writing Workshop -- Unique Peer Writing Assignment
--after all students have finished the exam, roam around the classroom and gather additional notes about your first partner from last class--THESE NOTES ARE THE "RAW MATERIAL" FOR THE FIRST WRITING ASSIGNMENT!!!  DON'T FORGET TO GET A DIRECT QUOTE FROM YOUR PARTNER.

--write the introduction to your essay--we will work with these next class