Activity (cont.) -- Drama Terms Notes/Poetry Terms Notes Posters
- Use resources (Chromebooks, literature books, dictionaries, etc.) in order to determine what is needed to fill in the blanks for your terms.
- Wave me over when you finish in order to check your work before moving further forward.
- Paraphrase the definitions of your terms.
- Again, wave me over when you finish in order to check your work before moving further forward.
- Create visually appealing posters (via Google Slides or by hand) for your terms to share with the rest of the class. Each poster must include...
- the term prominently displayed
- the paraphrased definition of your term
- an example of your term “in action”
- a corresponding visual.
- Prepare a brief presentation to share with the rest of the class in which you...
- share your terms and paraphrased definitions
- make sure that your classmates are able to fill in the blanks on their notes page for each of your terms
- share your examples and visuals in order to clarify the meaning of your terms
- are prepared to respond to any questions from your classmates regarding your terms.
--independent work time (cont.)
--When preparing/practicing your mini-presentation, keep this information about content and these seven public speaking tips in mind:
- Your presentation must include all four of the items included in the bulleted list above, but you should not just read from your notes page and your poster!
- Pause/smile in front and gain the attention of your audience before speaking.
- Speak loudly enough to be heard by all.
- Speak at an appropriate speed (NOT TOO FAST).
- Speak with enthusiasm.
- Make clear attempts at eye contact to ALL parts of the classroom.
- Limit vocal fillers ("umm", "ahh", long silences, etc.)--NO MORE THAN 3-5 PER MINUTE.
- Limit distracting body movements (podium tapping, hair smoothing, etc.).
--mini-presentations delivered/notetaking
Closure -- Ball Toss (time permitting)
--Tell us something that you now know/understand that you did not know/understand/understand fully before class today.