Wednesday, April 22, 2020

English 10 Honors--Thursday, 4/23/2020-Wednesday, 4/29/2020

The only new task posted today is to FINISH actively/purposefully reading Lord of the Flies and continue engaging in the "discussion" via Flipgrid. (I have renamed the assignment/Flipgrid "LotF 'Discussion'--CH. 8-The End" and added a shared Google Doc to the assignment if you are uncomfortable recording yourself.) Otherwise, please make sure that you have done the following since our Google Classroom opened in March:
  • Logged in to Membean and completed at least 45 minutes of training
  • Contributed to at least one of the teambuilding Flipgrids (or shared Google Docs if you are uncomfortable recording yourself)
    • I have added a shared Google Doc to the assignment titled "Flipgrid for 4/16-4/29".
Please email me this week at if you...
  • would like me to share some enrichment opportunities with you. For example, perhaps you are interested in reading about other teens' experiences during this time and want to write creatively about your own experiences? If so, I have some information that I can share!
  • are not caught up in English class. In your email, give me a sense of what is going on in your life right now so that the school district can provide the help needed. It might be as simple as needing clearer directions--I can help with that via a phone call, video, etc.--or something much more complex. By the beginning of next week, teachers will be calling home for any students who are not engaging in our Google Classrooms and sharing with administration what we find out. Again, the school district is just trying to be helpful so that all of our students can move forward! :)