Wednesday, November 29, 2017

English 10 Honors--12/1/2017 & 12/4/2017

Jump Off
--After attendance, we will head down to the lab in order to take both the Animal Farm multiple choice assessment via Castle Learning and the Membean assessment.  Please bring your free reading book with you so that you can read when you finish both assessments.

--head down to the lab

Assessments -- Animal Farm Multiple Choice and Membean
--take the Animal Farm multiple choice assessment first--troubleshoot our way through Castle Learning
--When you finish with both assessments, engage in free reading until we head back to the classroom.

--head back to the classroom

S. the C.
--agenda (remainder of class)/HW

Discussion Preparation -- Animal Farm--Beginning to End
--view the following brief video prior to re-forming the circle from last class block:

--re-form the circle from last class block and take out the following:
  • your Post-it-ed copy of Animal Farm
  • the "Orwell's Allegory and the Russian Revolution" chart
  • the "Revolution in Russia: Causes and Impacts" reading
Circle Discussion -- Animal Farm--Beginning to End
--continue engaging in discussion/notetaking about Animal Farm, beginning by first going over the charts--contributions will be assessed via the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"

HW (Class Preparation/Take-Home Assessment)

--Complete a total of 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 12/7.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #4, you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the “Membean Routine” document).

--Please consult the "Free Reading--Course Component Fulfillment Options for Marking Periods 1 and 2" sheet for specific information about the forthcoming deadline for free reading.  Wednesday, 12/6 is the magic day!

  • If you opt to complete a one-pager, one-pagers are due in class NEXT time (Tuesday, 12/5 [ACE]/Wednesday, 12/6 [BDF]).  We will use some class time on that day to complete one-pagers.  Students who have already submitted a one-pager will either engage in free reading during this time or complete Membean training.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!