Friday, March 3, 2017

English 10 Honors--3/7/2017

Jump Off
--Unless you have already entirely finished responding to each of the prompts for your "Significant Passage 'Speed Dating'" passage, take out your materials from last class and finish preparing.

S. the C.

Discussion Activity--Preparation (cont.) -- Significant Passage "Speed Dating"
--independent work time--finish preparing for the discussion activity by responding to each of the prompts for your passage (10 mins.)
--During this time, students who were able to entirely finish preparing last class are to engage in free reading.

Discussion Activity -- Significant Passage "Speed Dating"
--let's familiarize ourselves with speed dating:
--give directions for the remainder of activity

  • the student with his/her back facing east stays stationary throughout the activity
  • the student with his/her back facing east starts each "date" by reading his/her selected passage aloud
  • the student with his/her back facing west aims to complete tasks A, B, C, and D (explaining how the selected passage could be used in a discussion of his/her claim)
  • the student with his/her back facing east validates/corrects before sharing how the passage fits with his/her claim
  • roles reverse
  • "dates" end after 6 minutes
  • students with backs facing west rotate by heading south
  • lather...rinse...repeat!
--engage in "speed dating" process until all dates have occurred or 5-ish minutes remain in class (whichever happens first)--taking notes is strongly encouraged!

--Pick up an index card from the front table.  Write your name at the top of the lined side.

Closure --
--On the lined side of your index card, finish the following prompt in a fairly detailed manner:
  • "During today's "Significant Passage 'Speed Dating'" discussion activity for Lord of the Flies, I realized/concluded/learned that..."
--On the back of your index card, complete the following tasks:
  • Score the effectiveness of today's discussion activity using the following scale:
    • /+
    • /
    • /-
  • Briefly justify your score
HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment)
--Complete 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 3/9.  Expect Vocabulary Quiz#5 to occur next week sometime.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #5, you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the "Membean Routine" document).
HW (Class Preparation)
--Review your materials pertaining to LotF in preparation for an upcoming assessment.
--Consider reading at least 5-10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class.  Marking Period 4 ends on Friday, 3/17!  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.