Thursday, October 29, 2015

English 10 Honors--11/2/2015

Jump Off (3-5 mins.)
--Turn in Article of the Week #3 by placing your best work in the black basket on the front table.
--Open your vocabulary book to page 34. Look through the list of words and put a mark next to all of the words that you are pretty confident about knowing already.  Also, make sure that you familiarize yourself with the "Whimsical Words."

S. the C. (8-10 mins.)
--reading assessment?!
--list of students needing to revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio shared:
  • Would anyone like to schedule a meeting for a time slot during today's class (during sharing of short stories time) or my office hours (posted on the front board)?
--pronounce each of the Unit #3 vocabulary words (pages 34-36) and the five "Whimsical Words"
--reflect upon your performance on the Unit #2 vocabulary quiz one last time and set a rough goal for the Unit #3 quiz on your half-index card

Transition (2 mins.)
--When you finish the last task described above, turn in your half-index card and your Unit #2 vocabulary quiz to me at the front of the classroom.
--Get back into your groups from last class in order to finish purposefully reading/listening to short stories.

Writing Workshop (cont.) -- Short Story Writing Assignment (15-20 mins.)
--purposeful oral reading/purposeful listening:
  • Purpose while reading:
    • read clearly and deliberately so that your peers can follow along--if and when you hear an error, stop and make a note on your story
  • Purposes while listening:
    • work to answer these questions:
      • What themes emerge from the short story?
      • By the end of the story, what do you learn/understand about each of the emergent themes?  In other words, what viable theme statements can you develop?
    • offer any helpful suggestions that come to your mind as each of your peers is sharing
--If your group finishes and others are still collaborating, return to your desk and engage in free reading until you receive further instructions.

Transition (2-3 mins.)
--Pick up a copy of the "Unifying Theme Statement Practice--'Social Class'" document from the front table, which is part of tonight's homework.
--Pick up an index card for today's closure piece.  Write your name at the top of the index card.
--Form an alphabetical-by-middle-name circle out of the desks.

Story #2 -- “The Necklace” (flex time)
--spend a few minutes "gearing up" for discussion by planning some potential contributions (after directions below are shared)
--engage in discussion via a modified version of the protocol (one contribution minimum/three contributions maximum today--third contributions cannot be shared until all have contributed once :))--contributions assessed via the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale"):
  • notes written on the "Short Story Analysis Sheet"/the text itself (especially thoughts/questions formulated during purposeful reading of the story)
  • miscellaneous (Essential Questions/Standards/"Short Story Writing Assignment" Revisions):
    • What is a short story?
      • Maupassant's command over the short story as a genre
    • How does purposefully reading a short story enhance our understanding of the human experience?
      • What are some themes that emerge in "The Necklace"?
      • When and how do these themes emerge?
      • What literary techniques does Maupassant use to develop some of the emergent themes, and how does he use these techniques effectively?
      • What does Maupassant want readers to think about these themes/what insights into the human experience is he presenting (theme statement vs. mere theme)?
      • How often do we really stop to think about the ideas about the human experience conveyed to us in literature, from story-to-story, etc.? 
Closure -- "During today's discussion of "The Necklace," I realized/concluded/learned that..." (5 mins.)

HW Time/DEAR (time permitting)

HW (Class Preparation)
--Begin preparing for the Unit #3 vocabulary quiz, which will take on Friday, 11/6, bearing in mind your rough goal set during today's class.  Make sure to familiarize yourself with the “Whimsical Words.”  REMEMBER THAT WORDS FROM PREVIOUS UNITS ARE "FAIR GAME" ON ANY VOCABULARY QUIZ THEREAFTER (EXCLUDING PAST "WHIMSICAL WORDS")!
--Bring your vocabulary book to class again next time in case we end up reviewing--please do not forget!
--Read your free reading book for at least 15 minutes between now and next class. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.  You have up until the first week of December to finish your book.
HW (Class Preparation/Take-Home Assessment)
--Complete the "Unifying Theme Statement Practice--'Social Class'" sheet (explicate poem, craft unifying theme statement, cite strong textual evidence supporting theme statement, and tie back via explanation) by the beginning of next class (Wednesday, 11/4).
HW (Writing)
--The due date for submitting a revised Thematic Writing Assignment--Partner Interviews essay for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio is Friday, 11/13 (just over 1.5 weeks from today)--YOU MUST schedule a meeting with me to go over your revisions; simply handing in the revisions is unacceptable as per the protocol. When time permits, meetings can/will occur during class time.
--Finish improving your short story based on the collaboration that occurred either last class or today and type your argumentative paragraphs as directed.  A perfected version of each writing piece is due at the beginning of class next time (Wednesday, 11/4).