Tuesday, September 8, 2015

English 9--9/14/2015

In the Door (1 min.)
--please find your name card and sit in the corresponding desk (alphabetical order--these are your assigned seats for now) where you will find a Post-it Note

Jump Off (8-10 mins.)
--concept of the Jump Off explained again as a reminder
  • Write your first and last name on the Post-it Note located on your desk.  Then, stick the Post-It to your "Artifact Bag."  Finally, turn in your bag by placing it in the appropriately labeled box located at the front of the classroom.
  • If you have already turned in your "Artifact Bag," but it is not labeled, see me at the front table.
  • Turn in your "Letter to Mr. Martin" assignment by placing it in the black basket on the front table.  I am REALLY looking forward to reading these letters and hope you did a good job!
  • Pick up a copy of the homework assignment ("Diagnostic Test") from the front table.
  • Open your notebook to a clean page. Put today's date (9/14) in the lefthand margin and label the page "Establishing Our Classroom Environment: Rule of the Room."  The overarching rule in Room 203 is "Respect Each Other!."  Based on your understanding of the concept of respect, think about some of your past experiences in classrooms and make a list of behaviors that you have witnessed that could be considered disrespectful (and, therefore, would be breaking our key rule).  For example, in my notes, I might write down "Talking while the teacher is talking."  Good luck--raise your hand if you need these directions clarified.
--Note: If you have a smartphone, bring it to class next time for Library Orientation.
--HW policy reminder

S. the C. (5 mins.)

Discussion (cont.) – Establishing Our Classroom Environment: Commitments & Rule of the Room/Consequences (30-40 mins.)
--share commitments poster gleaned from student index cards (completed in most classes) and conversations had during homeroom last week--if you agree with the items on this list and are ready to do your best committing to the items, sign your name below the poster.
  •  Block 2 students did not brainstorm commitments but did do homeroom lesson
--share Rule of the Room--potential "breaks" from the Jump Off discussed (link to student commitments)
--discuss potential consequences (completed in most classes) and make decisions via chart on PowerPoint ("My thoughts...your thoughts?")
  • Block 2 students did not brainstorm consequences.
  • Most Block 3 students brainstormed consequences.
Transition (3 mins.)
--Pick up the Article of the Week #1 document with which we have worked the past couple of classes.  Purposefully read only the information located in the box at the top of the page and be ready to discuss your understanding of the text.  Also, check out my comments to you!

Literacy Activity (cont.) -- Article of the Week (20-25 mins.)
--take a look at the check system defined on PowerPoint as I return work from last class (Block 1 and Block 2)
  • Block 3 students have not yet received or read the Article of the Week.
--distinguishing between different aspects of an author's purpose, such as topic, key points, rhetorical questions, and main claim--which of these student responses from last class is best?

What is LZ Granderson's main claim?  In other words, what is the author of the text ultimately trying to argue?

"American children aren't smart enough."

"LZ Granderson thinks that the U.S. isn't working hard enough for a summer vacation."

"LZ Granderson's main claim is students in the U.S. compared to students in other countries are not as educated.  While the percentages drop for the U.S. students, they still get the summer off."

"LZ Granderson's main claim is why are the students of America taking the summer off if we are ranked 25th in math out of 34 nations?"

"The author wants the readers to believe that the U.S. needs to have school all year."

"LZ Granderson is trying to get readers to believe that if the government enforces year-round schooling, the U.S. would benefit greatly."

"LZ Granderson's main claim is that our country needs year-round schooling to compete against other countries' students and boost our economy."

--another key reason why we do Article of the Week shared: purposeful and active reading practice!
--What was our purpose when we read the beginning of this article last class?--EXEMPLARY WORK SHARED VIA POWERPOINT
--What is our purpose when we re-read the beginning of this article along with reading the rest of it?
--discuss the second of the italicized questions above/model via the SmartBoard (time permitting)
--independent active re-reading (time permitting)

Teambuilding Activity -- Artifact Bags (time permitting)
--I hand a paper bag to random student--he/she then displays items from the bag one at a time, briefly describing what he/she is seeing
--guess who?!
--owner of bag further describes, explains, shares anecdotes, etc. as a form of introduction to teacher/peers

HW (Class Preparation)
--Complete the "Diagnostic Test" for our vocabulary program to hand in at the beginning of next class block.  Do not look up any of the words as you complete the assessment--it is a pre-test meant to diagnose your current knowledge and understanding.  The assessment will be reported based on completion, not how you actually perform.  Thank you for your cooperation!