Wednesday, September 24, 2014

English 10 Honors--9/26/2014

Jump Off (15-20 mins.)
--Turn in your actively read Article of the Week #3 along with your two-paragraph "They Say/I Say" response stapled on top of the article.
--Pick up the vocabulary assessment from the front table.  Complete the quiz quietly and independently.  Good luck!
--Just an FYI: I will interrupt you a few minutes in to let you know about "Diction Doctor" status and give you directions for what to do when you finish.

S. the C. (8-10 mins.)
--trade and grade
--return quizzes to rightful owners--reflect on performance and note still-not-mastered words in vocabulary books--I will collect quizzes momentarily

Transition (2 mins.)
--Pick up a copy of the text titled "Pickup Lines and Open(ing) Seductions, or Why Novels Have First Pages" and survey the text.

Literacy Activity/Intertextuality Unit Introduction -- Thomas C. Foster's "Pickup Lines and Open(ing) Seductions, or Why Novels Have First Pages" from How to Read Novels Like a Professor (2008) (30-35 mins.)
--brief overview of Foster's work and its purpose
--oral gist reading (rationale: fluency) of the title of the text through the end of the first paragraph--students follow along
--What initial thoughts and/or questions did you formulate during the gist reading?
  • Discuss via a drawing of cards
--engage in discussion about the first paragraph--"talk to the text" (and, of course, each other!)
--conduct a gist reading of the rest of the text (silently or orally?--majority rules!)--feel free to annotate a little bit (though this is not the purpose during an initial reading)

Transition (5 mins.)
--Pick up a copy of the "Mr. Martin's English--Reading Nonfiction Document" from the front table. Purposefully read the top half of the document in order to understand how to use the document and its purpose.

HW Time (remainder of class)
--briefly discuss as per the "Transition" above
--discuss the following question, tapping in to prior knowledge from English 9: What is close reading?
  • Distinguish between close reading and free reading, gist reading, active reading, and purposeful reading
  • Is close reading always necessary?
  • Note the importance of annotating as part of the close reading process
--take a look at sample close reading for paragraph #1
--work time (alone or in pairs)

--Close read (SEE THE PARAGRAPH #1 SAMPLE) pages 21-25 of Thomas C. Foster's "Pickup Lines and Open(ing) Seductions, or Why Novels Have First Pages", stopping prior to the list that begins on page 25. Consult the list under "Step #2" of your "Mr. Martin's English--Reading Nonfiction Document" for close reading tips. I would expect to see most (if not all) of the close reading methods on the list implemented within your own annotations, which I will likely check at the beginning of class on Tuesday, 9/30.
--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em.