Thursday, July 24, 2014

INTD 170--Day 9 (Monday, July 28th)

In the Door (3-5 mins.)
--Check in with Miss Mundt:
  • attendance
  • submit your two fully completed "Article Analysis Template for They Say/I Say" pages--discussion of these texts will occur during class today (and possibly continue tomorrow)
  • submit the following:
    • the first draft of your paper with my notes and your notes written on it
    • the original rubric with your initial score and my notes written on it
    • a copy of your final paper with all of the changes you have made highlighted (e.g., if you corrected a parenthetical citation that was initially missing a page number, highlight the citation; if you added six sentences prior to your initial introduction in order to better "hook" your reader, highlight those sentences; etc.)
    • a clean copy of your final paper with no stray marks on it
S. the C. (5-8 mins.)
--agenda overview
--share "DUE ON"

Mini-Presentations -- Argumentative Research Papers (Heroism)
--preparation time

Your mini-presentation must…
  • answer the following questions:
    • What was the basic topic about which you began researching at the start of the research process?
    • Why did you select the topic that you did?
    • What do you argue in your paper?  (In other words, what is your thesis statement?)
    • What is the most compelling reason presented in your paper in support of your argument/thesis statement?  Explain in detail, sharing specific evidence from a source or sources cited within your paper.
  • be followed by a Q & A session so that instructors and peers can “dig deeper” if they so desire.
  • be fairly polished, bearing in mind the following point made by ex-teacher and consultant Erik Palmer in his book Well Spoken: Teaching Speaking to All Students:
    • Oral communication skills are tops on the list of what employers want (in recent NACE Job Outlook surveys, “the ability to verbally communicate with persons inside and outside the organization” has consistently ranked in the top four skills employers most desire in job candidates).
  • last no more than five minutes including the Q & A session.
--mini-presentations delivered (order established via a drawing of cards)

*Article analysis documents returned*

Discussion Activity -- Playing Devil's AdvocateThey Say/I Say ("Don't Blame the Eater," "Why Sports Matter," "We, the Public, Place the Best Athletes on Pedestals," and "Cheating and CHEATING")
--stand up for your "favorite" of the four texts (forming groups)

In groups, do the following as preparation for discussion:
  • spend a few minutes looking through your article analysis templates/the corresponding text and discussing in order to answer this question:
    • Ultimately, what is the author of the text arguing?
  • after answering the question above, discuss and form an argument that offers an alternative/opposite position
  • brainstorm support for your "devil's advocate" claim (e.g., personal anecdotes)/gather support via the library's databases, Google Scholar, etc.--be prepared to share the author's claim, your devil's advocate claim, and well-reasoned validation for your devil's advocate claim
    • personal experience--LCHS
  • share out/further engage in discussion for each text (as, according to Wikipedia, the purpose of playing devil's advocate is to explore an original argument further)--CLASS PARTICIPATION