--Take out your "'The Most Dangerous Game' Analysis" document. We will spend the first ten minutes of class engaging in a brief discussion to wrap up the short story prior to today's assessment.
S. the C.
--After today's assessment, we will work on:
- determining the meaning of an unfamiliar word based on grades 9-10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. More specifically, we will work on using context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word. THIS STANDARD WILL BE ASSESSED VIA THE "COMPLETING THE SENTENCE" SECTION OF THE UNIT #4 VOCABULARY QUIZ ON FRIDAY.
- consulting specialized reference materials (e.g., a vocabulary book) to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning and/or its part of speech.
--brief discussion
--directions given for during and after the assessment
Transition -- pick up a copy of the assessment from the front table
Assessment -- 7 Habits Unit Exam
--complete questions #1-17
--Transition--turn in questions #1-17 and pick up questions #18-20
--complete questions #18-20
- turn in questions #18-20 and pick up a copy of the expository writing piece titled "Elephant Culture and Conservation"
- take care of business back at your desk--you should know the drill by now, but if not, check out the information below:
- right on the reading itself, do your best to define each of the bolded words using prior knowledge and context clues, annotating the text accordingly via underlining, drawing arrows, writing notes, etc.
- continue working on vocabulary tasks (including beginning the HW) until the entire class has finished taking the exam
--students engage in purposeful reading of "Elephant Culture and Conservation"
--independently begin going over the Unit #4 word list (pages 52-54)--read a word and read the part(s) of speech/definition(s)/sample sentence(s)
In order to actively engage, students should be:
a.) writing the words on the line for each sentence
b.) comparing actual definitions to "guesses" made using prior knowledge/context clues--how did you do?!
c.) putting a star next to "foreign" words (those that will definitely need to be studied).
--Once the entire class has finished taking the exam and had some time to work with "Elephant Culture and Conservation": Mr. Martin elicits a potential definition from a student for the words "intrepid" through "prototype" and writes the potential meanings on the front board--how did you arrive at your definition?--STUDENTS REASON/ENGAGE WITH THE TEXT AT THE SMARTBOARD
--go over the Unit #4 word list together--read word aloud, have students repeat the word, and then read the part(s) of speech/definition(s)/sample sentence(s)--repeat this process for the entire list
Students should be actively engaging as per the list above.
--For HW, complete the "Completing the Sentence" exercise as directed and begin preparing for the Unit #4 vocabulary quiz, which will take place this Friday (11/22/2013).
Brain Break/Sharpening the Saw -- Mum Ball
--Complete the "Completing the Sentence" exercise (pages 57 & 58). Underline the context clues that help you determine which word you select for each sentence (skill-building).
--Continue preparing for the Unit #4 vocabulary quiz, which will take place this Friday (11/22/2013). Vocabulary review will take place next class. Make sure that you truly know the words, as you will be asked on the quiz to write your own sentences for a few of the words using enough context to clearly show that you have incorporated the chosen words into your own vocabulary. ALSO, REMEMBER THAT WORDS FROM PREVIOUS UNITS ARE "FAIR GAME" ON ANY VOCABULARY QUIZ THEREAFTER (THOUGH MR. MARTIN WILL NOT INCLUDE ANY WORDS FROM PAST UNITS ON THE SENTENCE-WRITING SECTION OF THE EXAM)!
--Continue preparing for the Unit #4 vocabulary quiz, which will take place this Friday (11/22/2013). Vocabulary review will take place next class. Make sure that you truly know the words, as you will be asked on the quiz to write your own sentences for a few of the words using enough context to clearly show that you have incorporated the chosen words into your own vocabulary. ALSO, REMEMBER THAT WORDS FROM PREVIOUS UNITS ARE "FAIR GAME" ON ANY VOCABULARY QUIZ THEREAFTER (THOUGH MR. MARTIN WILL NOT INCLUDE ANY WORDS FROM PAST UNITS ON THE SENTENCE-WRITING SECTION OF THE EXAM)!