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--Open your vocabulary book to page 91. Look through the list of words and put a star next to all of the words that you are pretty confident about knowing already.
S. the C.
--The due date for submitting a revised writing piece for the Cumulative Writing
Portfolio is March 4th (one
week from today).
--Reminder: Any
writing piece that has already received a score of 80% or higher can be kept in
your portfolio, as mastery has already been demonstrated.
Instruction -- Vocabulary Unit #8
--go over Unit #8 word list (page 91)
--complete Choosing the Right Word on page 96 (and additional exercises if time permits)
--go over Choosing the Right Word
--For HW, begin preparing for the Unit #8 assessment, which will take place this Friday.
Transition -- pick up a copy of the literature book from the front of the classroom/take out your notebook, date the page (2/25/2013), and label this section of your notes "'Trifles' Wrap-up"
Discussion/Notetaking -- "Trifles" Wrap-up
--in your notebook, spend five minutes quietly and independently answering as many of the questions projected up on the front board as you can
--pair up--share responses/continue answering questions
--return to assigned seats
--discussion/notetaking--take a look at the "WE GET IT!" slide, then answer all of the "Questions to Consider" ("take it to the text" often, really "hammer" irony and symbolism in discussion of last question, etc.)
Brain Break -- Life with the Wright Family
Activity -- The People vs. Minnie Wright
--review the parts of a trial (YouTube videos?)
--reconvene with groups and finish preparing for "trial"--each side will deliver an opening statement (2:00 maximum), testimony (4:00 maximum), and a closing argument (2:00 maximum)
--Mr. Martin will circulate (In what direction are you heading? Who will present? Etc.)
--set the parameters for the trial
--conduct the trial
--If you need to
revise for the Cumulative Writing Portfolio, think about when you might
schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin (the sooner, the better!). See the list
of office hours handed out early in the school year for Mr. Martin's
availability. The due date for
submission is March 4th (one week from today).
--Bring your vocabulary book to class next time for review purposes.
--Begin preparing for the Unit #8 assessment, which will take place this Friday.