Thursday, December 22, 2016

English 9--1/5/2017 & 1/6/2017

Jump Off (2 mins.)
--Lexi M./Betsy M./Tatum S./Owen F.: Please grab the grammar hammer from the front of the room and give it a drop.  Then, make sure that all of your classmates have a copy of the document titled "Common Error: Missing or misplaced possessive apostrophe".

S. the C. (5-8 mins.)

Grammar Hammer Instruction -- Missing or Misplaced Possessive Apostrophe (flex time [up to the midway point of the block-ish])
--purposefully read through the top half of the first page of the grammar hammer sheet together--I will instruct, model, share additional notes, etc.
--independently complete the PRACTICE
  • *During this time, I will return your last grammar quiz so that you can reflect upon your performance.*
--go over the PRACTICE together
--For HW, prepare for an assessment about anything grammar-related that we have already worked on this school year and the possessive apostrophe--HOW?!

Public Speaking Activity/Free Reading/HW Time (flex time [half a block-ish])
--any students who are ready to recite the prologue in its entirety are invited to do so at the beginning of this block of time
--engage in quiet and independent reading of free reading books or Upfront newsmagazine
--with 10-15 minutes remaining in class, either keep reading or work quietly and independently on one of the following assignments:
  • memorizing the prologue
  • preparing for the grammar assessment taking place next class
HW (Class Preparation/Class Participation)
--Memorize the first five lines of the Prologue by the beginning of class on Wednesday, 1/11 (BDF) or Thursday, 1/12 (ACE), and be ready to demonstrate your memorization in class that day when I draw cards for oral recitations.  Remember that if you are able to recite the entire Prologue early, an additional 100% quiz score will be factored in to your Marking Period 3 GPA, and your "Initiative" soft skills report will be positively impacted!
HW (Class Preparation)
--Prepare for an assessment about the possessive apostrophe, which will take place at the beginning of next class (Monday, 1/9 [BDF] or Tuesday, 1/10 [ACE]).  These are the directions that you will find on said assessment:

  • For each of the following sentences, which are about a debate in high schools in the United States, choose the word that correctly fills in the blank in order to demonstrate your mastery of the possessive apostrophe.
Also, with each new Grammar Hammer assessment administered, I reserve the right to "check on" your understanding of anything grammar-related that we have already worked on this school year.  Please keep this in mind when preparing! :)
--Read at least 5-10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class. Your book must be finished by mid-March. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.
--Consider working toward achievement of your S.M.A.R.T. Goal.  Do something great this year!
--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em!

English 10 Honors--1/5/2017

Jump Off (2-3 mins.)
--Please turn in your "Poetry Writing Assignment #1" by placing your best work in the black basket on the front table.  I am looking forward to reading these verses!
--While you are at the table, pick up your assessments from me so that we can spend a few more minutes at the beginning of today's class talking about/thinking about moving forward.

S. the C. (5-8 mins.)
--agenda/HW/rationale behind today's and next week's endeavors

  • When purposefully reading today, annotate documents/take notes in your notebook in response to this question:
    • What should we be looking for and discussing when analyzing William Golding's Lord of the Flies?
  • Remember that in our discussions, our goal is to refer specifically to texts, videos, etc. as often as possible (talking ABOUT ideas, conclusions, etc., not AROUND them!).

Old Business (cont.) -- Assessment Self-Reflection (10-15 mins.)

--some notes about most recent assessment (Animal Farm):

  • layers of Orwell's allegory and what was deemed effective in responses (Content and Analysis)
  • logical organization of response (Coherence, Organization, and Style)
    • exemplary response from our class
    • sample response provided by NYS for a similar task
    • discuss "takeaways"

--engage in a few minutes of final self-reflection/Q & A

Transition (1-2 mins.)
--Re-submit your assessments by placing them in the black basket on the front table.

--Pick up both a copy of the reading titled "Is That a Symbol?" (a section from Thomas C. Foster's How to Read Literature Like a Professor [2003]) and the "Novel Pre-reading--Purposeful Non-fiction Reading/'Gearing Up' Discussion" document from the front table.  Purposefully read the directions and questions on the document quietly and independently.
--Q & A

"Gearing Up" Discussion Preparation (Phase 1) -- What to Look for in Lord of the Flies (Purposeful Non-fiction Reading)
--purposefully read Thomas C. Foster's "Is That a Symbol?" chapter in order to respond to the six questions on the questions document as directed (quietly and independently or orally--majority rules!)

Transition -- grab a sheet from me at the front table

"Gearing Up" Discussion Preparation (Phase 2) -- What to Look for in Lord of the Flies (Song Lyric Analysis)
--What is explication again? (review)
--explication modeled by me with first stanza of each song
--engage in independent explication (focus on application of knowledge from Foster reading, imagery, and theme)

Transition (time permitting)
--Pick up an index card from the front table and write your name at the top of the lined side.

Closure (time permitting)
--Select one item about which to write a response to the two questions below:
  • What should we be looking for and discussing when analyzing William Golding's Lord of the Flies?
  • What, specifically, did you read today that you led you to this conclusion?
--place items on the front board under the heading "What to Look for in Lord of the Flies" via a drawing of cards

HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment)--Complete 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM tonight (Thursday, 1/5).  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #4, you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the "Membean Routine" document).  Vocabulary Quiz #4 will take place in class on Friday, 1/13.
HW (Class Participation)
-Finish whatever we are unable to finish during class today (e.g., poetry explication).

--Review your annotations/notes from last class and today's class bearing in mind that we will engage in a "beastly" discussion on Thursday titled "What to Look for in Lord of the Flies"!
--Read at least 5-10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class. Your book must be finished by mid-March. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.
--Enjoy the weekend--you only get so many of 'em!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

English 9--1/3/2017 & 1/4/2017

Jump Off (2 mins.)
--Take out your notebook and date the page (1/3/2017 [BDF] or 1/4/2017 [ACE]).  At the start of class today, we will bounce back and forth between me giving you a prompt and you doing some writing (hence the need for lined paper!).

S. the C. (5-8 mins.)


Thinking, Writing, and Speaking Activity -- Time Machines and S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Part 1--Time Machines (15-20 mins.)
--write for 3-5 minutes in response to each of the four related prompts
--Transition--form partnerships
--partner share (30 seconds per partner)
--Transition--return to desks
--whole-class share-out (30 seconds per volunteer)
When we finish this part of the activity, draw a line in your notebook underneath your writing.  Then, label the next section of your notes "S.M.A.R.T. Goals".
Part 2--S.M.A.R.T. Goals (20-25 mins.)

--How many of you know someone who set a New Year's resolution over the weekend?  How many of you set one yourself?
--link the concept of New Year's resolutions to both Part 1 of today's activity and setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

  • S.M.A.R.T. Goal acronym explained/notes written on front board/sample S.M.A.R.T. Goal (mine) crafted
--set one S.M.A.R.T. Goal for 2017 that relates to Part 1 of today's activity

  • As you work, I will refine my S.M.A.R.T. Goal (if necessary) and circulate throughout the classroom in the hopes of helping you out!
--Transition--pick up an index card from the front table and form partnerships
--partner share (30 seconds per partner)
Closure (5-8 mins.)

  • Write your first and last name at the top of your index card.  Then, write your S.M.A.R.T. Goal down on your index card.  When you finish, place your index card in the black basket on the front table and pick up a copy of the "Prologue Memorization Timetable" document from the front table (1 min.)
HW Time -- Memorizing the Prologue (remainder of class)
--assignment explained/clarified
--purpose of lines on document explained
--quiet and independent work time (paraphrasing, writing lines in own handwriting, repetition of lines, etc.)

HW (Class Preparation/Class Participation)
--Memorize the first five lines of the Prologue by the beginning of class on Wednesday, 1/11 (BDF) or Thursday, 1/12 (ACE), and be ready to demonstrate your memorization in class that day when I draw cards for oral recitations.  Remember that if you are able to recite the entire Prologue early, an additional 100% quiz score will be factored in to your Marking Period 3 GPA, and your "Initiative" soft skills report will be positively impacted!
--Read at least 5-10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class. Your book must be finished by mid-March. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

English 10 Honors--1/3/2017

Jump Off (2 mins.)
--Take out your notebook and date the page (1/3/2017).  At the start of class today, we will bounce back and forth between me giving you a prompt and you doing some writing (hence the need for lined paper!).

S. the C. (5-8 mins.)

Thinking, Writing, and Speaking Activity -- Time Machines and S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Part 1--Time Machines (15-20 mins.)
--write for 3-5 minutes in response to each of the four related prompts
--Transition--form partnerships
--partner share (30 seconds per partner)
--Transition--return to desks
--whole-class share-out (10 seconds per volunteer)
When we finish this part of the activity, draw a line in your notebook underneath your writing.  Then, label the next section of your notes "S.M.A.R.T. Goals".
Part 2--S.M.A.R.T. Goals (20-25 mins.)

--How many of you know someone who set a New Year's resolution over the weekend?  How many of you set one yourself?
--link the concept of New Year's resolutions to both Part 1 of today's activity and setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals
  • S.M.A.R.T. Goal acronym explained/notes written on front board
--set one S.M.A.R.T. Goal for 2017 that relates to Part 1 of today's activity
  • As you work, I will write a S.M.A.R.T. Goal or two of my own on the front board in the hopes of helping you out!
--Transition--pick up an index card from the front table and form partnerships
--partner share (30 seconds per partner)
Closure (5-8 mins.)

  • Write your first and last name at the top of your index card.  Then, write your S.M.A.R.T. Goal down on your index card.  When you finish, place your index card in the black basket on the front table and pick up a copy of the "Poetry Analysis Practice" document from the front table. (1 min.)
Poetry Analysis Practice Activity -- "On Living" (15-20 mins.)
--After purposefully reading the directions at the top of the "Poetry Analysis Practice" document, complete the task at hand until I hand you another document and instruct you to move forward with the multiple choice.
--go over practice

Old Business -- Assessment Self-Reflection 
--some notes about most recent assessment (Animal Farm):
  • making sense of your scores
  • layers of Orwell's allegory and what was deemed effective in responses (Content and Analysis)
  • logical organization of response (Coherence, Organization, and Style)
    • exemplary response from our class
    • sample response provided by NYS for a similar task
    • discuss "takeaways"
--engage in self-reflection until class ends, and leave your assessments on your desk when class ends
--Q & A (time permitting)

HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment)
--Complete 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 1/5.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #4, you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the "Membean Routine" document).  Expect Vocabulary Quiz #4 to take place next week.
--The final draft of the "Poetry Writing Assignment #1" is due next time (Wednesday, 1/5).  Make sure that your work aligns with the scoring criteria.
--Read at least 5-10 pages of your free reading book between now and next class. Your book must be finished by mid-March. ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

English 10 Honors--12/21/2016

1. Divvy up refreshments (thanks to all who contributed!)


3. Party!
  • keep reading?
  • reload on refreshments?
  • play a game?
  • watch some of Hoodwinked?
  • work on homework?
HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment)
--Complete 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 12/22.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #4, you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the "Membean Routine" document).
--The final draft of the "Poetry Writing Assignment #1" is due on Wednesday, 1/5, which will be here before you know it!  Ask yourself this question: Do I really want to be working on my poem over Winter Break?!
--Enjoy Winter Break--what a gift!
--Read a substantial chunk of your free reading book over Winter Break.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!

Monday, December 12, 2016

English 9--12/19/2016-12/22/2016

Over the course of the next two class blocks, all of the following will occur (though not necessarily in this order).

Hooked on Books (40-45 mins.)
12/19 (BDF) -- Block 2 & Block 3
12/20 (ACE) -- Block 1 & Block 4
12/21 (BDF) -- Block 1 & Block 4
12/22 (ACE) -- Block 2 & Block 3

Jump Off (3-5 mins.)

--Pick up both of the following from the front table: 
  • a copy of the prologue to The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
  • an index card
--At the top of the lined side of your index card, write your first and last name and the word "Before".  Then, respond in several sentences to the following question:
  • Should today's high school students be required to read Shakespeare or not?

S. the C. (5-8 mins.)
--FYI: Sometime soon after our return from Winter Break, you will be reciting the prologue from memory in front of your classmates.  I thought I would place the text in your possession ASAP so that you can get started mastering it! :)
--agenda/HW for the next two class blocks

Old Business -- Article of the Week #3 (5-8 mins.)
--Today, a similar reading experience and follow-up assessment will occur--what can you "do better" this time so as to prepare?
  • bearing in mind your performance on the assessment and your active/purposeful reading of the article, at the top of your article, ... 
    • jot down one strength you demonstrated 
    • jot down one area for growth
--brief "PROS and GROWS" share-out via a drawing of cards

Looking Ahead -- Article of the Week #4--Debate Circle (20-25 mins.)

--directions given:
  • "anchor in" to our "Compact for Group Work"
  • express your views on the topic presented within the "Jump Off"
  • attempt to introduce and address counterclaims (see the templates written on the whiteboard)
  • determine who within your group will join the inner circle
  • directions MODELED via a volunteer and me
--Transition--five groups selected via a drawing of cards
--follow the above directions until you are instructed to stop
--(Block 3 BDF continues here on 12/21 & Block 1 ACE continues here on 12/22): Transition--form both an outer and inner circle out of the desks
--engage in a "Debate Circle"
  • five students (one from each group) sit in the inner circle and express their views on whether or not today's high school students should be required to read Shakespeare
  • the extra desk in the inner circle is for anyone who wants to come in briefly and add information to the debate, after which he or she must go back to his or her desk
  • students sitting in the outside circle are to be silent until all the students in the inner circle have been heard
  • after the inner circle members have debated the topic, anyone in the outside circle can direct questions to the inner circle members
--Transition--re-column the desks
  • Is the debate circle a good way to think and learn about a topic?  Why or why not?
Transition (5-8 mins.)
--Pick up the "English 9--Article of the Week #4 (12/12-12/16)--2016-2017 School Year" document from the front table.  (Block 2 ACE continues here on 12/22):  Purposefully read the directions in the box at the top of the page. What questions do you have?
--Q & A/MODELING (if necessary)

Literacy Activity -- Article of the Week #4 (8-10 mins.)

--(Block 4 BDF continues here on 12/21 with the final two pages of the article following Hooked on Books): engage in active/purposeful marking up of the text as I read it aloud in preparation for both a follow-up multiple choice assessment and a circle discussion
--finish actively/purposefully marking up the text
--review your annotations as preparation for the forthcoming assessment

Transition (1-2 mins.)
--Pick up a copy of the "QUIZ--Article of the Week #4" document from the front table.  Complete the assessment quietly and independently.  Good luck!

Assessment -- QUIZ--Article of the Week #4 ("10 Things You Didn't Know About Shakespeare") (10-12 mins.)
--finish completing the assessment
--When you finish, place your assessment on the floor next to your desk and engage in free reading until everyone is finished. 

Transition (3 mins.)
--Form a ROYGBIVBlackGrayWhite-by-most-prominent-color-in-shirt circle out of the desks.

Circle Discussion -- Article of the Week #4 (until 8 mins. remaining in class)
--today's discussion protocol:
  • I need a scribe to "mark up" the article on the SMART Board--any volunteers?
  • We will begin by going over the "quiz" prompt/question-by-prompt/question.
    • How "good" was your active/purposeful reading?  How can you continue moving forward?
  • Raise your hand if you want to offer a response/answer as well as your rationale for selecting your choice.
  • Once we are finished going over the "quiz", we will finish discussing the article via your active/purposeful annotations/responses.
  • Raise your hand if you want to offer a contribution, but be aware of the signal (whether intended or not) that a raised hand sends to a speaker.  Think about when to raise your hand.
  • Unless a discussion thread is clearly "dying out", contributions should relate to/build upon whatever was previously shared.  If you intend to "switch gears" with a contribution, make sure that your intentions are fine by the greater majority.
  • The next contributor is selected by the previous contributor.  Try to "rope in" as many contributors as possible throughout the discussion.
  • Everyone must contribute at least once to today's discussion, and no one is permitted to share more than twice.
  • Contributions will be assessed via the "Discussion Contribution Rating Scale".
  • I reserve the right to... 
    • "jump in" whenever appropriate
    • randomly select students to share.
--go over the "quiz"/discuss Article of the Week #4 until 8 minutes remaining in class
  • If time permits, hand out the "Straight from Shakespeare" document and use its contents in order to extend the discussion.
Transition -- re-column the desks (1-2 mins.)

Closure -- Ticket-Out-the-Door
--On the back of your index card, write the word "After".  Then, continue writing with regard to the following questions, making sure to include VALID reasons:
  • Should today's high school students be required to read Shakespeare or not?
  • Is your answer to this question still the same as it was when we began the lesson that we are currently wrapping up?  Why or why not?
HW (Class Preparation)
--Strongly consider working on mastering the prologue.
--Enjoy Winter Break--what a gift!
--Read a substantial chunk of your free reading book over Winter Break.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!

English 10 Honors--12/19/2016

Jump Off (8-10 mins.)
--Please pick up the following items from the front table:
  • a good-smelling marker or two
  • a sheet of computer paper
--Open up your notebook to a clean sheet of paper.  Date the page (12/19/2016) and label this section of your notes "My Updated Answer to the Essential Question".  Then, thoughtfully respond to the following question:
  • What is your current answer to the Essential Question that overarches our course?  (Here is the question: By nature, are human beings inherently evil or good or...?)  After looking at your poster that you created just over one month ago, engage in thought and write an updated claim about human nature in your notebook.  Re-read and revise your claim as necessary; then, write your claim neatly in marker on your sheet of computer paper.  BEAR IN MIND THAT YOU MUST ADDRESS COUNTERCLAIMS AS PART OF YOUR FINAL ARGUMENT.
S. the C. (8-10 mins.)
--revisit our party plans for next class block
--remove your previous claims on the greenboard on the south end of the classroom and neatly replace them with your new claims somewhat grouped
--place any necessary materials pertaining to the End-of-Course Assignment in your manila folder for future reference

Transition (1-2 mins.)

--Pick up a copy of the "Trying Your Hand at Haikus" document from the front table.  We will read through the front page of the document together before you get started writing!

Writing Activity #1 -- Trying Your Hand at Haikus (15-20 mins.)

--oral reading of directions and examples
--quiet and independent writing time--feel free to allow the winter/holiday season to inspire you!
--If time permits you to do so, write more than four poems!

Transition (1-2 mins.)

--form small groups based on the columns in which you sat last class

Poetry-Share Preparation -- Trying Your Hand at Haikus/Pass-Back Poetry (cont.) (10-15 mins.)

--Your tasks:
  • share haikus with each other in order to determine which haikus to share with the whole class (each poet shares one haiku with the whole class) 
  • decide which of your pass-back poems from last class is best--work together to revise said poem so that it is ready to share with the whole class
  • determine who will read the pass-back poem aloud to the whole class
Transition (3 mins.)
--form a ROYGBIVBlackGrayWhite-by-most-prominent-color-in-shirt circle out of the desks

Poetry-Share -- Trying Your Hand at Haikus/Pass-Back Poetry (remainder of class) 

--poetry snap MODELED
--poems shared via a drawing of cards until class ends (and, if necessary, continued next class)

DEAR -- Free Reading Books (time permitting)

HW (Practice/Take-Home Assessment)

--Complete 45 minutes of Membean training as directed before 11:59 PM on Thursday, 12/22.  If you fail to appropriately train between now and the administration of Vocabulary Quiz #4, you will not be permitted to take the quiz until you catch up (see the "Membean Routine" document).
--The final draft of the "Poetry Writing Assignment #1" is due on Wednesday, 1/5, which will be here before you know it!  Ask yourself this question: Do I really want to be working on my poem over Winter Break?!
HW (Class Preparation)
--If you signed up to bring something in next class for our holiday party, please make sure to deliver! :)
--Read 5-10 minutes of your free reading book between now and next class.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR FREE READING BOOK TO CLASS!